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  • April 2011
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Roseanne Barr Speaks at Ramtha’s School of Enlightment

Posted by Levine Communications Office on April 1, 2011

Students in 25 countries worldwide tuned in via live stream on the Internet

Actor and New York Times best-selling author Roseanne Barr was a special guest lecturer during the Primary Retreat at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (RSE) in Yelm, WA, on Saturday, March 26, where she discussed the spiritual aspects of her new book Roseannearchy: Dispatches from the Nut Farm. Her speech followed a lecture from RSE founder JZ Knight (www.Ramtha.com) who gave an insightful talk on impending Earth changes.

When Ms. Barr arrived, Ms. Knight welcomed her into her home for dinner with longtime RSE students including actress Linda Evans and Miceal Ledwith, former President of Maynooth College in Ireland and former advisor to Pope John Paul II.  After dinner, Roseanne spoke to a live audience of more than 700 students and additional students in 25 countries who joined via live stream on the Internet.

Ms. Barr said she was very moved and touched by the reception of the audience. She discussed the expanding feminine and spiritual paradigms — those things that she wrote about in Roseannearchy.

Since 1988, thousands have attended RSE special retreats and seminars. The school currently has more than 6,000 students.

For more information about Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment and a list of upcoming events, visit www.Ramtha.com.

7 Responses to “Roseanne Barr Speaks at Ramtha’s School of Enlightment”

  1. bewareoffalseprophets said

    Speaking on Ramtha EMERGENCY UPDATE 3/31/11

    When I first discovered Ramtha/JZ Knight I researched every available video on the net, read every bit of material I could find and spoke to students and those who have studied with RSE. They all have a strange air of superiority, wearing cloaks, claiming to hold secret knowledge that only a student of Ramtha could hold. What I saw in everything surrounding this school did not feel it was of integrity. Though no student could hold a discussion around this or answer questions. They would quickly move away or tell you that you could never understand, as you were not a student. From the beginning, this material never resonated in my heart as being true yet I continued to listen to updates and talk to former and current students about the school and the messages. I became increasingly uneasy at what I heard and saw. The predictions and teachings were somewhat intriguing at times but I still did not find a resonate truth in my heart at what I was hearing. I also saw a strange over zealous defensiveness from students visiting the ranch from my studies I know this is very common within this type of organization. I also noticed that if you dare to even question these teachings you are told you could never understand unless you were a student. This echoed again and again in my experiences relating to JZ/Ramtha and RSE as a whole.

    Bottom line, for quite some time I thought of JZ as simply a fake. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I see now that this has been a long slow seduction and indoctrination into leading the innocent and naïve into a slow seduction by a very dark entities vision of the future through manipulation of consciousness. I see now that it was a stealing of the hearts and souls that are dependent upon this dark entities and its plan of destruction. Mary showed me this with clarity during this talk.

    I reluctantly tuned into the livestream event about 1 hour in on 3/31/11 with the thought that I should be open minded and not have preconceived judgments about something of this nature, I thought that perhaps there could be something of value in listening in- good or bad. What I witnessed for the following 12 hours was the most disturbing, unenlightened example of mind control, manipulation, and pure evil that I have ever witnessed in my life. And I have seen alot. I am strongly guided to share my observations in the hope that this spell can be broken on the individuals still hooked into these teachings. I recognize that this is a personal choice. Many say they do not believe in the school or JZ but Ramthas teachings or predictions are good. I disagree strongly. This has been a long slow seduction filled with lies, half-truths and powerful teachings stolen from the masters and offering the promise of power, abilities and ascension. Where have we seen this before? It is a classic model used by many corrupt teachers, yet for me this was far more corrupt than anything I have previously witnessed. The strange thing is that many immersed cannot and will not see it. Many will lash out at me for speaking my truth and sharing these observations. And for all of the good people that do this know that I am not judging you. These teachings come from the great seducer and it is difficult to escape this grip once you are immersed in it. It is not me you are angry at, it is your own ego you are trying to defend, as it is difficult to admit being tricked by Lucifer himself. It is an age-old story.

    I will share specific messages and what I saw, but I will start by saying that I received guidance from Mother Mary and my higher self to go through this process of listening to this material and to take notes. I continued to receive the strongest downloads and messages regarding what I was witnessing and my role in assisting the higher beings in anchoring in Christ energy to assist those who were willing to receive.

    One of the first messages I received from Mary was:
    Integrity is respecting others choices and beliefs even when they are different than your own. Stand firmly in your truth and what resonates in your own heart. Send love! Judgment is a self-imposed limitation that is rooted in an ego-dominated existence driven by those who have something to prove or defend. There is a world of difference between judgment and disagreement. Unconditional love is all-powerful and the true path to awakening. LOVE ON!
    That was a timely and essential download as what I was about to witness would shock and horrify me beyond anything I had previously witnessed in the world of spiritual teachings and it was important my reaction was not judgment, condemnation and separation toward those that are involved in this…as this would be the intent of what I will call from here on out “THE RAM” (The Ram of Mendes) It is important that I share my observations on the school and the teacher—not the students themselves. It is up to the reader to do what they will. I am taking a great risk by writing this, but I have no choice. It is important.
    I was asked me to share this with the world. Mary conveyed that I should eminate love and healing energies for those that are invested in this…not rejection or separation. I was assured that the higher beings are assisting in this presentation in order to show the true nature of this entity for those that are participating.. I was asked to help with that process which I will do and continue to do in the days to come. The collective healing of humanity and the earth depends upon it. She also said that many who are watching would wake up, as they will realize during reflection following this event. This is all part of the lessons that need to be learned regarding focusing on external guidance and false prophets. It will lead to tremendous heart openings. It is big.

    The place where I was most incorrect was in assuming this was a fake channel. In reality, JZ is being used by this entity. This was no fake. This was more real than I could have ever imagined.
    Mary shared with me the true name of who was being channeled. He is called THE RAM OF MENDES, BAPHOMENT – in essence Lucifer himself. I had never heard of “The Ram of Mendes” but I certainly knew who Baphomet was…. Should you Google these dark overlords to learn more about the history you will find volumes. A basic overview can be found at http://www.luckymojo.com/baphomet.html or any number of other sources on the net can offer background and history on these dark overlords.
    Mary asked me to take notes and record the messages that I heard in order to better understand the seductive nature of how this dark energy works and boy did I get more than I bargained for…. The most shocking aspect for me was that many could not see this in watching some of the most sickening and dark forces spew false teachings onto these indoctrinated students. A true teacher of the light offers teachings with integrity and truth rings true without any form of indoctrination required. Truth resonates truth.
    I was also told that many would wake up due to the extreme nature of what was presented, and many would not. Many would also say that this was formerly a benevolent being named Ramtha but somehow things have changed. Many would say this in order to preserve the ego and not admit that they had somehow been duped by the devil himself. A big pill to swallow for many, much easier to say “well something changed, it used to REALLY be Ramtha and it was good” or “I was given powerful teachings so it has to be real” this is echoed again and again if you dare to question this school or this entity the reaction will be forceful. Part of the programming I believe.
    During this process, I was asked to assist in holding energy and working with the higher beings to touch the hearts and minds of those listening and watching in order to help awaken them from the spell. I personally witnessed light spheres and plasma descending on several participants followed by them getting up, gathering there things and leaving the presentation. (Followed by shouts and insults from the RAM that they should go kill themselves because they are clearly not ready, fucking stupid asshole, etc etc insults and berating those who were seeing the truth) This is telling in and of itself…
    I want to address mind control tactics as a system of indoctrination. All of which are used at the RSE with great success. Specifically encouraging over consumption of alcohol “Spirits”, sleep deprivation, destruction of self esteem (being called stupid, ignorant, incompetent, etc without the assistance of the entity to help them “awaken”) and the claim that if you do not resonate with the messages you are a lost soul and the only redemption can be had by following the “The Ram”. (I am the only one; the great one, the powerful one and you pathetic human are nothing without me) Many other aspects you can see in the hall itself at RSE from the artwork to the seating arrangements, level of stage, choices in music, etc etc etc. A simple search on mind control tactics will yield a stunning point-by-point match up with tactics used at RSE and by this dark entity.

    I firmly believe that this is a war on consciousness, using dark entities to seduce and captivate in order to surrender the individuals consciousness to be used in bringing about this dark Armageddon scenario that is referred to in Revelations. The truth is that we are powerful beings and part of the source and we do have the power to create a world that moves through these changes gracefully. This institution is designed to harness the power of consciousness in order to bring about the demise of the world. I reject this with fervor.

    As “The Ram” proceeds into the talk he was consuming copious amounts of alcohol and tobacco (an integral part of the culture at RSE) during witnessing the descent into drunkenness and hedonism I was told by Mary that “The Ram” would extol the “7 Deadly Sins” as virtuous and the only path to enlightenment. AN overview below which much to my horror was played out with stunning overt openness and acceptance from the crowd. Hedonism in action..

    Those “7 Deadly Sins” are as follows:

    Pride is excessive belief in one’s own abilities that interferes with the individual’s recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.

    Envy is the desire for others’ traits, status, abilities, or situation.

    Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.

    Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

    Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.

    Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.

    Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

    These were all demonstrated in many ways throughout the talk, which I will touch upon more later in this review. I have never had downloads this strong in my life and what I was shown was beyond accurate. Anyone who watched knows what I am talking about. Every single one of these qualities were held up as virtuous, demonstrated with disgusting vigor and repeated over and over in order to affect the hearts and minds of the people to open them to these dark energies.

    It is important to recognize that there are gifts in everything, even false teachings. I cannot forget to send love and suspend judgment toward people involved, but I will speak loudly about the teachings and the teacher himself. I must share what she has given me in the way she has given it.

    Now on to what I witnessed… initially “The Ram” began to descend into a state of extreme intoxication which included spitting, blowing nose snot all over stage, slurring of words, gluttonous behavior as well as vomiting all over itself and spitting on students in the crowd as the night progressed. It was disgusting. Tales were also told of extreme excess, sex, drug use, materialism, vanity, greed, anger and envy, the list goes on. As requested by Mary I recorded key words and phrases that were used throughout the presentation. I will list the words here as a list of bullet points along with certain key phrases and impressions I received during this horrific presentation. My hope is that more will recognize how these entities work and this will help to break the spell that is imposed on those that follow these corrupt teachings.


    “If you reject what I say, you might as well kill yourself now or be assured that I will come after you and do it myself. I’m coming for you….”

    “Please join me in the destruction of the world”

    “The New World order will not be based on cunning, but common sense”

    “Niggers, forget them. And the gays, the vegans, and those that reject my teachings. They will be the first to go. They should kill themselves now or I will do it for them”

    “Divine Providence is the way”

    “Let us ask for death, chaos and destruction – we will revel in it as there is no other way”

    “Accept the holy judgment, Armageddon is the only way”

    “Inner earth is hell and I call on you oh great Satan to rise up and swallow this earth and all those upon it”

    “Tragedy can be boring. And you don’t want to see me bored. So lets get to destroying the world”

    “People’s misfortune is the way, we want our love to work and this is the way”

    “Accept the Unholy. Accept Judgment. Accept Armageddon”

    “There is nothing good in this world”

    “Let us invite total chaos and destruction”

    “It is me against you, and you are nothing but stupid fucking assholes”

    “We are entering a time that is the end of the lions, the cheetah and the whales and there is nothing you can do to stop it. All predators must be destroyed”

    “If you are worried about your weight, don’t worry because in the future you will work your ass of to survive. I like that a lot”

    “As if the ocean had intelligence, HA! The ocean will rise up at my command and hunt you down and kill you. I could stop it but why?” followed by hysterical laughter

    “Delight in the suffering until its too late”

    “Whatever we decide as a group will happen- so lets get on with the destruction of the world”

    “Napoleon came out of the pyramids wearing the horns, who do you think he met with? Yes it was the Ram”

    “The greatest of Masons, The great Jubilee of the queen. It is I who is behind this”

    “Organic food, vitamins.. Do not talk to me of these ridiculous things.. It is preservatives you need for eternal youth. Eat a big bowl of preservatives and you will become immortal”

    “Fat people. Old People. Ugly People. Who needs them!”

    “Chemicals are good”

    “Eat a Twinkie, the foods of the gods. Rub the preservatives all over your face and you will be given eternal youth. Immortality”

    “Materialism is good. You should see my bags”

    “The abyss will swallow the light”

    “You stupid assholes, FUCK YOU, you pathetic fools can’t even hear what I am really saying”

    “Fruits and vegetables, fuck that. Fill your bunkers with preservatives –Twinkies and chocolate cake. The food of the immortals.”

    “I hate god and that motherfucker Jesus crazychrist. Fuck him”

    The following are words that I wrote down all as part of the content of this talk. As the higher beings intervened there were revealing that were telling:

    “I don’t know what I am babbling about, I forget”

    “Please forgive me father for I know not what I do” (to Miceal Ledwith during a mock confession)

    He then proceeded to vomit on himself, vomit on students and laugh hysterically. Many students left as I believe the higher beings assisted in this process.

    The following words I wrote stream of consciousness as I listened based upon things that were said. These words paint a picture:

    Chemicals are good
    Drugs/Alcohol are good
    Vile Behavior
    • Violent Revolution
    • Blasphemy
    • Judgment
    • Immoral
    • Self Aggrandizing
    • Disrespectful
    • Fat people, Old people
    • Wastefulness
    • Ignorance
    • Excess
    • Materialism
    • Slander
    • Elitist
    • Greed
    • Anti vitamins & organics
    • Anti crystals
    • Anti Life
    • Pro Death
    • Pro Murder

    There is so much more, but I feel this is enough. I want to convey that this is not the truth of our reality. This is not Christ consciousness. And we have the power and ability to shape the future through our own collective vision of peace, love and unification with source. We are much more powerful than this. So ignore false prophets predictions and teachings, ignore false dates of destruction. Watch your thoughts and visions for the future, as this will shape your reality in the days to come. Ask for guidance from Source and the higher self and always remember that we create our reality. Yes there will be a shift. Yes there will be many changes. I choose to reject this false prophets vision of the future and I reject the participation in the destruction of the world. There are lessons in everything and these are the lessons I learned from watching this event. Even the vilest of entities can teach us something.

    I believe it is all possible outcomes, and it is up to us to shape these outcomes in any way that we choose. Yes prepare for some hard times, but never wish for doomsday or destruction or it may become your reality.

    We are moving into a time of 2 worlds and the world I choose has no room for any of these concepts. I pray for those that believe this is the only way. There is a etheric battle going on in the heavens and I will use my love to fight this war and escape the confines of evil.

    It is a time of glorious possibilities and exciting outcomes. I chose to be here now and I choose the light over the dark every time. I may stumble along the way but I have never felt more clear in my resolve to create a better world.

    Thank you for reading.


    • debbie said

      I spent many years attending rse events.

      I moved from another country. dedicated my life to teachings. I was compelled.

      I realize now that i was young and Gulliable.

      Moments that caused me to question:

      Number one was when JZ called a meeting and asked for donations to keep the school from bankruptcy.
      I had given her every cent I made beyond my cost of living as did thousands of others.

      she must have been pulling 3 to 5 million a year out of her barn.
      with a dirt floor.

      Sorry if you can’t manage your money but I got no more to give

      I heard all the comments about how much the school cost to run etc etc but I have since gained experience in these matters and it is a sham.

      Perhap she should have refrained from ordering the 400 year old japanese maple from japan…. you see where I am going.

      Number 2

      Wine ceremonies. They seemed fun at first. People getting absolutley wasted chuggu=ing red wine. After a while the fights, sex in the woods, puking, hangovers bullshit become a complete bore.

      There were times when I remained sober and watched the chaos around me. I was completely sober with 1000 of the most inebriated people I have ever seen. It was a bit intimidating. For the most part they are a good willed group but there are a number of wackos.

      I had a drinking problem as a youth and as I watched my friends go down the road of drinking and drug use and the negative effects it was having on their lives I decided this was no longer for me.

      Number 3 was when we all stared making elixer of life from seawater by precipitaing minerals from the water and drinking this thick white liquid that I could only decsribe as cold whale semen. YUCK. drank it 3 times and said f*** that.

      I have watched many people decline in numerous ways. The biggest thing is the gut wrenching fear that permeates the community. There is no investment in any kind of real future for the community as everyone believes the end is imminent. Many have believed this for 20 years or more.

      I say that population growth, resource depletion and financial systems problems are something that faced every society and will continue to forever. We should not give up on these issues and plan for a ficticious event that will purify us all.

      The ramsters are so judgmental of each other and show now compassion due to the fact the believe you are 100% responsible for the conditions of your life. The seem to hold unfathomable faith in our abilities to be superhuman in the face of the reality that conditions to which many of them choose to live have caused many of them to decline in quality if life from excessive pipe tobacco smoking( a RSE ritual) to binge drinking of the highest order, Massive use of Ecstacy and amphetamines throughout the community. Many though ecstacy to be the elixer of life. Some people got rich Is what saw. Some of the most prominent members of the inner circle were involved in Exstasy distribution. I don’t think RSE promoted MDMA directly but there was a lot of talk about white powder gold being an elixer of life at this time.

      I do not know if JZ Knight condoned it or used ecstasy but a lot of students did

      There was a lot of good knowledge mixed in with a whole lot of quackery and manipulation.

      I believe most people involved cannot see how brainwashed they are. It took me years to unwind all the fear and paranoia.

      They seriously believe they have ‘inside’ information.

      I was enticed by teachings that challenged me to become greater than myself. I had some profound experiences at RSE. But these were a result of dedicated self reflection which I have come to realize has always been a natural part of our growth. Challenging situations make us grow. So for that I guess i am thankfull that I grew out of the need to be abused and treated like I am worthless and a meal ticket for a greedy needy person. Thanks JZ

    • Exposingthedarkness said

      Hi there Bewareoffalseprophets ..

      I was glad to see that someone else has woken up to what Ramtha really is all about.

      JZ Knight, as Judith Darlene Hampton, can be seen on a Freemason website. This comes as no surprise, as the teachings, the disciplines , symbols etc of RSE are derived from masonic rituals. RSE is a Gnostic School…and the gnostic and freemasons worship Baphomet.

      Baphomet’s other names are: The Ram, Shiva, Rain Man, Master of Music, The Ram of Mendes and Abaddon. It is a Serpent with the ability to shape shift to take on another form. Ramtha is called The Ultimate Rain Man on his “Behold! the Return of the Warrior: A Teaching on Reincarnation and Love”CD.

      Some things Freemasonry and RSE have in commen: blindfolding of initiates, wine ceremonies, pipe tabacco smoke, breathing exercises, the colour blue for healing and immortality, use of drugs, the walk of the Labyrith, archery, and a whole range of symbols. Other similarities are: the Masons Blue Lodge and the RSE Blue College, the butterfly as used as a symbol for mind control etc. Then there is the wording, almost the same just slightly changed.

      A 90 degree Master calls himself : Sublime Master of the Great Work. RSE is also known as The Great Work, and has websites under that name.

      I hope in all sincerity that more people are waking up to what the Illuminati are playing us with and not give it any more power…

      Love and truth…

  2. Tammy H. said

    Thank You for finally “telling it like it really is” concerning the “Ramtha” Insanity..I have debated with myself since the 80″s if any of this seems real..Well, you have proven to me that it is real…but certainly not HOLY…not something I want to ever be involved with..I was one of the foolish ones that became enthralled by the lovely passages in the initial books, hoping that the channeling was sacred and true….I am humble enough to now admit (thanks to your honesty about the group) that it is really time to ditch all the pre-concieved notions I retained about this entity…I’m Ditching the the literature and hoping that the Good Lord will forgive me for my foolishness…Thank You!

  3. VIC said

    Has anyone heard of the Observer in quantum physics? Your observations are your observations per QM. The words you have written here above express your position and opinion and is the truth for you all – fantastic! I have an entirely different experience. I have the mind to appreciate that you have your opinion, but my observations and experiences are different and are also valid. There is no absolute truth, there are only perspectives according to our own experiences.

    • Virginia said

      @Vic..there is absolute truth unless you are brainwashed by JZ who tells you such utter new-age bull shit so that it justifies all the lies she is caught in. Good try though.

  4. Joseph said

    Yeah, Vic. You sound brain washed to me. Listen to that line of crap you just wrote above. There is an absolute Truth and His name is Jesus Christ. Anything said to the contrary (like your non-sense written above) is from the Devil or the Devil’s representatives… like JZ Knight. Period. Look in the book of Revelations. It talks about the “Queen of the South” (Quite possibly JZ Knight) — as she is a false prophet no doubt.

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