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Archive for June 7th, 2011

Irene Komsky in KSEE 24 Fresno

Posted by Levine Communications Office on June 7, 2011

Did know that wearing a bra to bed can lead to breast cysts and cancer due to the constrictive nature of the bra? Now, The Intimia™ Breast Pillow gives women a healthy alternative to wearing a bra to bed.

Find out more from her interview!



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Yahoo! Shine features YOU ARE NOT YOUR BRAIN

Posted by Levine Communications Office on June 7, 2011

We’ve all been there. You’ve met a new guy. You’ve gone on a date or two. And you can’t stop thinking about him. Or talking about him. Or obsessing to see if he’s emailed/called/texted/tweeted/or posted on your wall in the last five seconds. And so you check…and re-check your phone or your Facebook or your email–over and over again. You know it’s irrational, but you just can’t seem to stop.

Well, you can blame it on biology, says Rebecca Gladding, MD, author of the new book “You are Not Your Brain.”

“Desire, feeling a connection with someone special, hope for a future with someone and love are some of the strongest positive emotions we can have,” she says. “When you feel like that, you never want it to end. And, when you have contact with him, especially at the beginning, you feel that wonderful rush over and over. That’s why you’re dying to see if he’s contacted you – it feels good.”

And that “good” feeling acts as a reward to your brain, says Gladding. Which means it will start wanting to make it a priority.

Related: Dangers of Passive Aggressive Texting

“In essence, by constantly focusing on that feeling and behavior, you ‘teach’ your brain that this activity (i.e., checking texts, etc) needs to be done more often,” Gladding explains. “This ramps up the activity in your brain and causes your Habit Center (i.e., basal ganglia) to automatically respond without much thought or awareness; rather than thinking about whether you should text or not, you immediately respond to the desire to feel connected by checking email/text/etc.” 

Unfortunately, this kind of behavior can backfire if not kept in check. Especially if you’re not only checking your texts, but texting back, in hopes of a response.

“You might be annoying him – because you are feeling so overpowered by the urges and desires to connect with him,” says Gladding. “You cause him to feel crowded or to feel bad because he can’t text you back as often as you text him (i.e., if he’s really busy at work, etc).”

So how do we curb our obsession and retrain our brains? Rebecca says there are four steps we must take.

1. Relabel: Call your obsessive texting what it is: an obsession,  a NEED to connect. Say: “This is my desire or insecurity getting in the way!”

Related: How to Satisfy (& Keep A Man)

2. Reframe: Remind yourself that you are having these urges to text him because you really like him and want to feel that connection (or because you are anxious that there’s a problem in the relationship).

3. Refocus: Call a friend or go do something fun yourself!  Don’t text again unless this really is extremely important and you need an answer about something specific right now (which likely is not the case).

4. Revalue: Realize that this is just the feeling of insecurity or a desire to connect, but that it does not have to be acted on whenever you feel it. You are not your brain and you do not have to give into every urge, impulse or desire you have.  Try to go find something fun to do and put things in perspective.

Related: Fishing for Mr. Right: The Kinds of Guys to THROW BACK

And if you’re still having trouble? Here are a few more of Rebecca’s tips. 

* Make a deal with a good friend of yours. Tell her that every time you feel the urge to text him, you will text her instead.

* Every time you are about to pick up your phone or use the computer, stop yourself and take a few deep breaths. Then, ask yourself, What am I about to do and why? If the reason includes wanting to feel that good feeling again or trying to get rid of your fears/anxiety/worry/stress, then go do something else for a while first. See if the urge is still there 15 minutes later.

* Check in with someone you trust and see how he/she would deal with this situation. Would he/she text now? Why or why not?

 Have you ever been a text-a-holic with a new flame? How did you handle it? Do we text too much? Do guys do the same or is it more a gal thing?

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